FOUR WordPress Plugins Worth Removal

As you know installing more plugins to your wordpress blog will increase your page’s load time. So it’s not good to have plugins which can be replaced by manual coding and plugins which are useless.
In this post, I have listed 4 wordpress plugins that is not required for your blog and worth removal. I have also added some codes which you can manually add to your files instead of installing these plugins

1. Comment Reply Notification
As I have included this plugin in 6 Must-Have WordPress Plugins list I must not include it in this post. Then why is this plugin listed here? Actually, this plugin does very good job only for developing blogs and not for developed blogs. This plugin can send e-mail to your comment subscribers to keep them coming back to your blog and keep engaged them in conversation.
In a popular blog, think about the volume of e-mail that are sent everyday and the volume of e-mail a subscribers receives everyday. It becomes more worse if one of your post becomes viral. It starts to get lot of comments and your subscribers inbox will be flooded with email sent from your blogs. This will make your subscribers feel annoyed and this will create a bad image on your blog.
So it’s no doubt, it’s good to remove this plugin if your blog is quite popular that is already receiving lot of comments.
2. Social Share Buttons
Social share buttons! I can bet that all bloggers use this social share buttons. Ofcourse it brings lot of advantages to the bloggers. But it’s not that complicated to add plugin to insert share buttons in your blog. You can easily add these buttons by adding few lines of codes to your files manually. Here are the codes of some popular social media share buttons.
Adding Facebook Share Button
<a href=”<?php the_permalink(); ?>&t=<?php the_title(); ?>” target=”_blank”><img src=”<?php bloginfo(‘template_directory’); ?>/images/facebook.png” alt=”Share it on Facebook” /></a>
Adding Tweet Button
<script type=’text/javascript’>
tweetmeme_style = “compact”;
tweetmeme_source = ‘HellBlog’;
Adding Digg Button
<a href=”;url=<?php the_permalink() ?>” rel=”nofollow”><img src=”<?php bloginfo(‘template_directory’); ?>/images/digg.png” alt=”Add this Article to Digg” /></a>
Adding StumbleUpon Button
<a href=”<?php the_permalink() ?>&amp;title=<?php the_title(); ?>” rel=”nofollow”><img src=”<?php bloginfo(‘template_directory’); ?>/images/stumble.png” alt=”Add this Article to Stumbleupon” /></a>
3. Ads Injectors
Ads Injectors helps you to add advertisement codes to your pages to display ads in certain area on your blogs. Now a days most themes have an in-built feature to add ads code to the headers so the people must be using ads injector only to add ad codes into their posts, which can also be done manually using the following codes.
Adding Adsense After Your Post’s Title
Open single.php file on your template and search for this line
<h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2>
and insert your adsense code just after this line and then save your file.
Adding Adsense at the end of your post
Open single.php file and search for this line,
<?php the_content(); ?>
and insert your adsense code below that line and save your single.php file.
Adding Adsense code in middle of your post
Open function.php file and put this code at the end of the file and save it.
function ads() {
return ‘/*Insert your ads code here!*/’;
add_shortcode(‘ads-area’, ‘ads’);
Now whenever you are writing an article you have to put this code where you want the ads to appear.
4. Related Post
If you are a newbie blogger then it’s good practice to add related post’s links to your posts while you are writing it. So you don’t have to use these related posts plugin.
Actually I wasn’t aware of this so wasn’t adding related post’s links inside my posts which has made this related post plugin a must have plugin for my blog. So if you are newbie bloggers or if your blog has less no.of posts (like less than 100 posts) then you can edit all your posts to add related posts links manually into each of them and uninstall your related posts plugin.
Your accuracy in finding the most related posts will be than that of a related post plugin. So it’s good to depend on you instead of depending on plugins.

This is a very simple trick to do if you have done the same for the logon screen and the start button. There are 2 ways to do this trick that I know about one is doing it manually and the other is using a program called bootxp. I am going to tell you the manual way to do it, but if you want to know the other way just let me know, so I can do an update to the guide. Now once you have downloaded your ntoskrnl.exe file save it a general location so that you will have easy access to it, like my folder.
Once you have ntoskrnl.exe file in an easy access folder, restart your pc into safe mode. Once into safe mode go to the folder where your files are located.
Now that you are there copy the file that you want to change your boot screen too. Once you have copied that file, hit the window key + r or type %windir%system32 in the run command, so that folder as follows.

Once there paste your new file into the folder and overwrite the existing folder.
Now that you have your new file in the folder restart your pc as you normally would and your new boot screen should appear. You can download this bootscreen here.

WAnna make Your desKtop 3D


3D DESKTOP makes today’s multi tasker’s job easy . Its fun to flip our desktop from left to right and the vice versa . Linux has this feature as default , but its too sad to know that Windows still lacks this feature in default . 3D desktop is able to store different application windows on each side. Yet Another Desktop Manager 3D (yodo’m) is simple software that allows you to enjoy 3D desktop .  All you need to is just install the application and execute it . By opening this application , you would get a dialog box , which shows various options . You can customize your 3D desktop with these options . To rotate your Desktop , press ctrl+shift and use any arrow keys . It has 4 Desktops . each can be provided with induvidual wall papers and applications to run . It has zooming options . It makes us feel using a new window everytime . To download yodo’m click here .  Spaces is yet another software similar to it . Download it by clicking  here .

Enjoy your 3D Desktop 

I think may everyone know how we organise a book or how to make blog
so here is an share to how to make an e-book cover if ur cover is [Title]  is good .  then u easily publish ur book and make more money...

It always feels hard when your think of create a cover for your e-Book. Especially in photoshop it’s going to be a little tough and a time consuming work. In this post I will share some action files(*.atn files) for photoshop which will make your cover designing work very easy and instant too.
There are two action files one allows you to create a hardback covers for your e-book and the other action file allows you to create a paper back covers.

1. How To Create A Hardback Cover
1. Download the hardback action script for photoshop Download

2. Open Photoshop, go to Windows –> Action to enable action palette.
3. Now click on small triangle button found at right top corner of the action palette and select load action and browse and select the .atn file that you downloaded.
4. Now “ebooks hardback” folder will be added to your action palette, now click on the triangle arrow pointing towards the folder name to show folder’s content. The folder has two files – action1 and action2.
5. Select action1 and click on play selection icon, now you will notice a new document has been created(2d). Now design your e-book cover like the way you want it to be.
6. When you are done, click on action2 and click on the play selection icon and wait for few second for the action to complete. When it’s done you can see a hardback cover(3d) created. That’s it.
How to create a paperback cover
1. Download the paperback action script for photoshop here.
2. Open Photoshop, go to Windows –> Action to enable action palette.
3. Now click on small triangle button found at right top corner of the action palette and select load action and browse and select the .atn file that you downloaded.
4. Now “eCT-ebook-cover-paperback” folder will be added to your action palette, now click on the arrow that is pointing towards the folders names to see the folder’s content. The folder has two files – action1 and action2.
5. Select action1 and click on play selection icon, now you will notice a new document has been created(2d). Now design your e-book cover like the way you want it to be.
6. When you are done, click on action2 and click on the play selection icon and wait for few second for the action to complete. When it’s done you can see a paperback cover(3d) created. That’s it

For better view u may follow this video ( i not make this video)
but it will easily help u 

Totally Killer articles are the key to traffic of a blog. Killer articles are powerful and has a potential to attract tonnes of traffic to a blog and attract lots of backlinks. No. of such article is the sign of quality blog.
Killer articles is more than just writing an article in perfect grammar and spelling. So what is a killer article exactly? Killer articles are articles with lots of content or information in it. It attracts lots of traffic and backlinks. It will certainly become a pillar of a blog. More pillars, more stronger blog. So it is essential to build killer articles and market them into a pillar of a blog. So how do you create a killer article?
To write a killer article there is no general formula, each bloggers write them in a different way, some succeed in making creating a successful killer article, some might fail. So, here are some general ideas that you should use to increase your chances of writing an amazing killer post that will become an successful killer article.

1. Be Unique
Unique topics has more ability to grow itself into killer blog post. The reason why it has more ability is that it will appear as a new topic to all readers so it will surely attract more visitors. When you choose to write a killer article make sure the topic you have chosen for the killer article is unique so it can stand out and shine well.
2. Make Your Title Attractive
Title and may be the excerpt of the an article is the first thing visitors see before they start to read the post. So it must be attractive enough to pull them inside to read the whole post.
“SEO Plugins” and “10 Amazing Must Have SEO Plugins”, read those two titles again and see which one sounds better and attractive! Ofcourse the second one right?. So make sure you insert some words like – great, wonderful, amazing, must-see, must-have, these words has more tendency to attract visitors.
3. Error Free Post
Definitely a post with many grammatical post will never grow into an error free post. Also you should take care of your typo, because typos are very dangerous and can even spoil the whole post. It will irritate the readers, it will be make the post hard to be understoof. So results in a failure. So you have to take some special care to avoid errors.
4. Make Lists
Lists are good resources of information. Lists will be easier for humans to understand. For eg. you list articles can be like this “7 tips to build your blog”, “10 blog that can give traffic to your website” etc.
5. How-To Topics
When something is very complicated for a many people you can write a how-to article that will explain the process of using it. How-to articles are proven to be a good killer article topic.
6. Create An E-course or an E-book
This seems to be a favorite way to build killer articles for many bloggers. Creating a series of content like “31 days to build your blog by Darren Rowse” is called e-Course. It is a series of articles built under one roof.
E-books are the PDF files that has lots of advantages. That’s why it is one of the best pillar article concepts for bloggers. PDF Files can be downloaded by your visitors and can be stored in their computer to read or later reference.
E-course and E-books are proven to be a big information resources and mass traffic pullers.
7. Quality Content
Once again I get a chance to say “Content is King” !
The content in your articles must be useful for your readers only then it can increase it chances to become a pillar for your blog. So make sure your write an unique and an useful articles.
8. Proper Marketing
Even if you have awesome articles in your blog but if there are not audiences to read them it will become a waste for sure. You need traffic and to get them you need to have good content and marketing skills. So make sure your market your posts well. Some of the links posted below might be helpful for you to build traffic to your blog.

In a pay per click campaign, there are certain things you need to do in a circular pattern like refining your campaign, performance, testing everything out and refining your results. This is what is called PPC optimization. You only have to look out if anything has changed and make changes accordingly. Looking out for changes is essential because the internet often keeps changing, keyword trends keep changing and new competitors keep coming into the market. Here are a few stages in the process.
Content review
You have to carefully review the website’s content to understand the nature of the site and its offerings and lookout for keywords during this process for any terms that you feel are relevant to the campaign.

Developing your account structure
Once you gain a good idea about a site’s category, products and services, you can begin grouping the keyword findings and initial content into content blocks or account structure. This will serve as your PPC campaign’s basis and will help you in keyword research.
Keyword Generation and grouping
Now that you have your account structure in place, you can begin with generating keywords. Here you make use of various tools for keyword research and convert your initial list of keywords and multiply it. You should try to find as many keyword variations as possible along with other related terms, synonyms and misspellings. From this big list, you gradually narrow down to the niche ones depending on what works and what doesn’t. With that done, you have to divide the list into narrow groups with similar keywords which are called ‘ad groups’.
Match typing
This process involves going through each keyword group or keyword and assign a match type to it. it helps to decide the rules as to the queries for which your ad will be shown. You can go for a broad match, which shows your ad for each and every search entry that contains your keyword. When you go for an exact match or a phrase match you narrow down to a few. This is useful for those who want to control the appearance of their ad.
Creating the ad copy
Once you have decided upon your keywords and ad groups, creating ad copies for each of the groups is next. It is recommended that you run 3 ad copies minimum at a time. While doing it, you must make sure the ad copy is relevant to the keywords.
Selecting the landing page
Designating the landing page is the final stage in the PPC process. You will have to choose URLs for ‘destination’ and ‘display’ for driving your ads to. The actual URL is defined by the display URL, which the ad copy will specify, while the ad actually drives to the destination URL. You will have to find pages that are most relevant to the keywords of a particular ad group in a given website.
Once you are done with all these steps, you will have to track the results of your PPC campaign at least once a month. This is because the results of a pay per click campaign does not show immediately

Further Part:- Part-2

Part:2  Setting the Standards

There are three properties I set at the beginning of every style sheet; padding, margins and a base font-size.
My preferred method is to globally reset all margins and padding to zero and assign them to elements as needed. I prefer this over instances of margin:0;padding:0; all through my CSS and I have repeatedly found it to cut the development time required for CSS layouts.
For font sizing, I use the method of setting a base size for the body element and em for all other elements, starting at 1em for the content text. For more information regarding the issues relating to even font-scaling, take a look at this.

* {
body {font-size:90%;}
The reason the font-size property is not declared within the global ruleset is that it has undesirable affects in relation to nested elements — the deeper you go, the smaller they get!

Setting the standard - links

There is one part of styling links that many fail to remeber — hovering with a mouse is not the only method of focusing on a link. Many users, myself included, use the tab key to skip through links on a page. To accomodate these users, we add a visual cue to the :focus pseudo-class.
Once again, IE/PC comes to the party and leaves a horrid mess; in this instance the problem is that IE does not render the :focus pseudo-class, but it does treat :active as:focus
Here's our basic link styles, with the :focus and :active pseudo-classes added:

a {
a:focus, a:hover, a:active {

If you have trouble remembering the order for these declarations; this lymeric is a great help:
Lord Vader's Former Handle, Aniken