PPC Optimizing – The Process[Make Money]

In a pay per click campaign, there are certain things you need to do in a circular pattern like refining your campaign, performance, testing everything out and refining your results. This is what is called PPC optimization. You only have to look out if anything has changed and make changes accordingly. Looking out for changes is essential because the internet often keeps changing, keyword trends keep changing and new competitors keep coming into the market. Here are a few stages in the process.
Content review
You have to carefully review the website’s content to understand the nature of the site and its offerings and lookout for keywords during this process for any terms that you feel are relevant to the campaign.

Developing your account structure
Once you gain a good idea about a site’s category, products and services, you can begin grouping the keyword findings and initial content into content blocks or account structure. This will serve as your PPC campaign’s basis and will help you in keyword research.
Keyword Generation and grouping
Now that you have your account structure in place, you can begin with generating keywords. Here you make use of various tools for keyword research and convert your initial list of keywords and multiply it. You should try to find as many keyword variations as possible along with other related terms, synonyms and misspellings. From this big list, you gradually narrow down to the niche ones depending on what works and what doesn’t. With that done, you have to divide the list into narrow groups with similar keywords which are called ‘ad groups’.
Match typing
This process involves going through each keyword group or keyword and assign a match type to it. it helps to decide the rules as to the queries for which your ad will be shown. You can go for a broad match, which shows your ad for each and every search entry that contains your keyword. When you go for an exact match or a phrase match you narrow down to a few. This is useful for those who want to control the appearance of their ad.
Creating the ad copy
Once you have decided upon your keywords and ad groups, creating ad copies for each of the groups is next. It is recommended that you run 3 ad copies minimum at a time. While doing it, you must make sure the ad copy is relevant to the keywords.
Selecting the landing page
Designating the landing page is the final stage in the PPC process. You will have to choose URLs for ‘destination’ and ‘display’ for driving your ads to. The actual URL is defined by the display URL, which the ad copy will specify, while the ad actually drives to the destination URL. You will have to find pages that are most relevant to the keywords of a particular ad group in a given website.
Once you are done with all these steps, you will have to track the results of your PPC campaign at least once a month. This is because the results of a pay per click campaign does not show immediately


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