8 Tips For Writing An Amazing Blog Post

Totally Killer articles are the key to traffic of a blog. Killer articles are powerful and has a potential to attract tonnes of traffic to a blog and attract lots of backlinks. No. of such article is the sign of quality blog.
Killer articles is more than just writing an article in perfect grammar and spelling. So what is a killer article exactly? Killer articles are articles with lots of content or information in it. It attracts lots of traffic and backlinks. It will certainly become a pillar of a blog. More pillars, more stronger blog. So it is essential to build killer articles and market them into a pillar of a blog. So how do you create a killer article?
To write a killer article there is no general formula, each bloggers write them in a different way, some succeed in making creating a successful killer article, some might fail. So, here are some general ideas that you should use to increase your chances of writing an amazing killer post that will become an successful killer article.

1. Be Unique
Unique topics has more ability to grow itself into killer blog post. The reason why it has more ability is that it will appear as a new topic to all readers so it will surely attract more visitors. When you choose to write a killer article make sure the topic you have chosen for the killer article is unique so it can stand out and shine well.
2. Make Your Title Attractive
Title and may be the excerpt of the an article is the first thing visitors see before they start to read the post. So it must be attractive enough to pull them inside to read the whole post.
“SEO Plugins” and “10 Amazing Must Have SEO Plugins”, read those two titles again and see which one sounds better and attractive! Ofcourse the second one right?. So make sure you insert some words like – great, wonderful, amazing, must-see, must-have, these words has more tendency to attract visitors.
3. Error Free Post
Definitely a post with many grammatical post will never grow into an error free post. Also you should take care of your typo, because typos are very dangerous and can even spoil the whole post. It will irritate the readers, it will be make the post hard to be understoof. So results in a failure. So you have to take some special care to avoid errors.
4. Make Lists
Lists are good resources of information. Lists will be easier for humans to understand. For eg. you list articles can be like this “7 tips to build your blog”, “10 blog that can give traffic to your website” etc.
5. How-To Topics
When something is very complicated for a many people you can write a how-to article that will explain the process of using it. How-to articles are proven to be a good killer article topic.
6. Create An E-course or an E-book
This seems to be a favorite way to build killer articles for many bloggers. Creating a series of content like “31 days to build your blog by Darren Rowse” is called e-Course. It is a series of articles built under one roof.
E-books are the PDF files that has lots of advantages. That’s why it is one of the best pillar article concepts for bloggers. PDF Files can be downloaded by your visitors and can be stored in their computer to read or later reference.
E-course and E-books are proven to be a big information resources and mass traffic pullers.
7. Quality Content
Once again I get a chance to say “Content is King” !
The content in your articles must be useful for your readers only then it can increase it chances to become a pillar for your blog. So make sure your write an unique and an useful articles.
8. Proper Marketing
Even if you have awesome articles in your blog but if there are not audiences to read them it will become a waste for sure. You need traffic and to get them you need to have good content and marketing skills. So make sure your market your posts well. Some of the links posted below might be helpful for you to build traffic to your blog.


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